This a Multimedia Guide to the Situation in the State of Chiapas, Mexico. It contains the most current information on the information resources available, including: Newsletters, Videotapes, Internet. These resources can be used for education, instruction and awareness. Updated 8/14/95 LIBERTAD Newsletter on the Chiapas situation published by the National Commission on Democracy in Mexico The newsletter is Libertad. We try to publish it at least once a month, twice a month is our eventual goal. We ask for a subscription of $3/month if possible It is useful as an information/education tool with people who are not on the "net". We are very happy to have it duplicated as much as possible and distributed. To subscribe send your money and request for enrollment to us at 601 N. Cotton ST. #A103, El Paso, TX 79902 email: ****************************************************************** QUETZALCOATL REPORT Frommarthav@lonestar.jpl.utsa.eduSun Apr 30 12:01:21 1995 From: Martha von Ellenrieder Subject: Re: quetzatcoatl The Quetzalcoatl Report is a randomly published newsletter concerned with= the human rights of Americans of Mexican Descent and Mexico. It has dealt with issues from Chiapas to Prop. 187 to the United Farm Workers Union. If you would like to subscribe (free) send a letter with your name and address to: Quetzalcoatl Report PO Box 380131 San Antonio, TX 78280 We also welcome any stories or ideas you have to submit for consideration in our publication. email: ********************************************************************* EL PALIACATE: Newsletter on the Chiapas Situation published by the Accion Zapatista group. As for subscriptions, there is now a mailing list and the thing is being sold for $2.00 an issue, with "donations" solicited of $5./$10/$20 or more. The address for "subscribing" ( I put this in quotes because its production is irregular) is: Accion Zapatista, 707 Highland Ave, Apt. C, Austin, Texas, 78703 email: ************************************************************************** THE CHIAPAS TIMES Subscribe to the Chiapas Times! The Chiapas Times gives you news and informaiton about the crisis in Chiapas you can't find elsewhere. Most of our stories are taken directly from communiques off the Internet. But it costs money to produce and mail this to you twice a month. For just a small donation, you can help us to keep you informed on an issue we know you care about. Any amount will help. We suggest a donation of $10 for 6 months, more if you can, less if you can't. Please clip this subscription form and send it back to us. Make checks payable to: The Peace & Justice Coalition and send to the Peace & Justice Center, 21 Church St., Burlington, VT 05401 Name ____________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City ________________________ State ____________ Zip ____________ Phone ___________________________________________________________ Email address: __________________________________________________ P.S. You can add: For editorial questions, send email to my address with a copy to . ******************************************************************** HORIZONTES/HORIZONS NEWSLETTER From: Colectivo Horizontes Brothers and Sisters: Our history, that of the oppressed peoples, keeps changing day by day. We believe that we see a light of hope in the horizon, no matter where we may live a peace with justice, democracy, liberty, not only in Chiapas, not only in Mexico, but in all the world. It has not been little what we have learned from our brothers in Chiapas: dignity, courage, and pride. They have shown us, even in their own death, not one but several paths to follow in this struggle against arrogance and injustice. Our collective newspaper, Horizontes, pretends to be one more effort in this struggle. Yes, we are an informative effort; but we are also one of debate and analysis about what goes on in Mexico, and how we can help, and, above all, about being part of this great force of change that emerged from a glen, under a tree in the humid rain forest where the deepest poverty can be found, but the deepest sense of dignity as well. Horizontes is born from the initiative of companeros working and p articipating with the National Democratic Convention, in Mexico and in the United States. Our main purpose is to create a direct source of information, news, discussions, analysis, programs, etc. ..., for this movement of international solidarity with Mexico. All this is concretized by the publishing of Horizontes, a broad, pluralistic space of information and discussion. This effort is self-financed, that is to say, that the members of the newspaper have contributed work and money to make Horizontes a reality. With this in mind, donations, contributions, ideas, and suggestions are welcome. We hope that this small grain of sand in the struggle for our liberty is also retaken by the other voiceless and faceless who search for Justice, Democracy, and Liberty, for a "world that will no longer be the world, but something better." HORIZONTES COMITE INTERNACIONAL DE LA CONVECION NACIONAL DEMOCRATICA JULIO DE 1995 No. 1 CND UN NUEVO PROYECTO Un grupo de personas preocupadas por la graves problemas economicos y politicos que vive Mexico, decidimos iniciar el proyecto de este modesto periodico mensual, que busca ser un espacio para el analisis de temas, reportajes y publicacion de propuestas y cartas de lectores. Quienes formamos el colectivo "Horizontes", encargado de desarollar este proyecto de analisis informativo, somos parte de la Convencion Nacional Democratica y queremos sumar nuestro esfuerzo a la gran lucha pacifica por la democracia, libertad y la justicia que desde hace tiempo libran organizaciones honestas y gente sin partido dentro y fuera de Mexico. Parte de nuestro interes por impulsar este proyecto se debe ademas a la enorme desinformacion que hay en Estados Unidos lo que pasa en Mexico. El control de los medios de difusion masiva es una realidad que nos obliga a buscar otros caminos para hacer llegar nuestra verdad, aunque sea a niveles reducidos y con todas las desventajas en contra. Pensamos que Mexico se convertio desde 1994 en la pequena esperanza para los pueblos que sufren la politica de grupos economicos que, hoy como ayer, pelean un nuevo reparto del mundo. El nuevo orden economico internacional, que quiere aparecer como redentor de los pueblos, tiene su mas grande apoyo en las politicas antipopulares que aplican la mayoria de los gobernantes del mundo, incluido el de Mexico. Este nuevo orden mundial que busaca aplastar la dignidad humana y todo lo reduce al calculo frio del capital, solo puede ser enfrentado en la lucha diaria de los pueblos contra la globalizacion de la pobreza, la sin razon, los programas de ajuste, el hambre y la desesperanza. Esta realidad nos obliga a pensar en la unidad de la lucha, en el rechazo organizado al neoliberalismo como doctrina de quienes controlan en una especie de ajedrez, a los gobiernos del mundo con el disfraz de la democracia mercaltil. Por eso creemos que la batalla es gigantesca y nuestro esfuerzo uno mas entre tantos. Pero sabemos que es posible la lucha pacifica internacional basada en la unidad de los pueblos golpeados por el neoliberalismo, sin distencion de credos, razas, religion, fronteras, sexo o edad. Esa es la politica que nos une y nos guia. POR QUE HORIZONTES? En la lucha que hoy libran organizaciones progresista de Mexico y Estados Unidos, hay muchas formas de interpretar la realidad y de actuar. Pensamos que cada quien tiene su verdad y actua en base a esta, pero estas diferencias no deberian ser un obstaculo para la unidad. Quienes dominan la economia y la politica mundial estan unidos por los mismos intereses. Para mantener el control fomentan el odio entre razas, entre naciones, hostigan y dividen. Enfrentan a los pueblos y pormueven guerras sangrientas y destructivas porque saben que los pueblos unidos y organizados son fuertes, pero dividos y fragmentados son debelis. En la lucha dificil que libran las organizaciones progresistas, cada una logra formar su horizonte en base a su experiencia y su vision de la realidad. De ahi viene nuestra propuesta de nombre para este periodico. Pretendemos seguir una politica plural siempre y cuando la lucha coincida en lo fundamental: la aspiracion a la libertad, la democracia y la justicia. Esperamos que esta publicacion sea de utilidad. Eso lo diran nuestros lectores. To: All Interested Parties Fm: Colectivo Horizonte RE: 1ST NUMBER OF NEWSPAPER RECENTLY PUBLISHED "HORIZONTES" OR "HORIZONS". We would like to inform all interested parties concerned with the situation in Mexico that a new vehicule of information is available in a recent publication entitled "Horizons". The objective of this newspaper is to provide timely and analytical news items on Mexico. It is meant to increase the sources of information available to all individuals, organizations and institutions, to complement existing newsletters and to add one more forum for the exchange of views. It is no way intended to compete or substitute any other means of information dissemination currently produced or any organization actively working for democracy, social justice and liberty in Mexico. Its only purpose is to enrich discussion and analysis of the complex reality of Mexico. All interested individuals and organizations are encouraged to send articles for their consideration in coming issues. For more information, please call us at (713)926-2786 or at this E-mail To: All interested parties From: Horizontes or Horizons Re: If you would like to receive our newsletter "Horizons" by mail, please send your address at this E-mail Horizons is published every month. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VIDEOTAPES QUIHUBO VIDEOS (revised 6/15/95) Quihubo Videos currently has 5 independently produced videos available for English speaking audiences and is working on subtitling and narrating others for distribution in the US and Europe. Quihubo Videos (previously Imagenes de Mexico) is a non-profit video distribution network created for the dissemination of work by independent producers in Mexico. Quihubo Videos hopes to contribute to the democratization of communications and help counteract the misinformation deliberately promoted by the media conglomerates in Mexico and the US. In conjunction with a network of Mexican independent videographers, including Comunicacion Popular Alternativa (COPAL), Quihubo Videos will continue to provide documentary videos about the struggles of indigenous people, women, workers, and students in Mexico. Our goal is to produce a regular half-hour video news program for distribution in Mexico and abroad. VIDEOS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE EFECTO TEQUILA (Tequila Effect) $30 plus postage A sweeping look at the current crisis in Mexico produced by neoliberal economic policies. Pintado retraces the history of Mexico from its indigenous roots through the 1910 Revolution, the 1968 massacre at Tlatelolco, the 1994 NAFTA agreement, and the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas. Using clips from Pedro Infante and Cantinflas films, he shows how tequila has been Mexico's unique cultural response to 500 years of exploitation. Produced and Directed by Jose' Manuel Pintado and Gloria Ribe', 1995, 40 min. English Naration and subtitles. VHS or 3/4 inch for TV. CORRIDOS SIN ROSTRO (Ballads Without a Face) $30.00 plus postage In this video Subcomandante Marcos narrates the "Legend of the Men of Corn,"the "Band of the EZLN" sing corridos to rebel heroes, and indigenous peasants tell of their way of life and their struggles for "Democracy, Liberty andJustice." Mostly filmed in Zapatista territory between June and August of 1994. Produced and directed by Othello Khanh, 1994, 53 min. English subtitles. VHS only (no TV airing allowed). TODOS SOMOS MARCOS (We Are All Marcos) $15 plus postage This video compiles images from four major protests in Mexico City following the military invasion of the Selva Lacandona in February 1995 (it is not the Canal 6 de Julio production by the same name). As the Mexican government attempted to crush the Zapatista's militarily in Chiapas, hundreds of thousands of students, housewives, workers, and ordinary citizens took to the streets of Mexico, chanting "todos somos Marcos and demonstrating their support for the EZLN. Recorded by Cristian Cala'nico and Elliott Young, and edited by Rick Mercier and Leopoldo Rodri'guez, 1995, English narration and subtitles. minutes. VHS or 3/4 inch for TV. PRADO PACAYAL Recorded in the Zapatista territory of Chiapas on March 2, 1995, this video shows the destruction wrought by the military on this community. The video presents moving testimony by the inhabitants of Prado Pacayal as they return to find their village to find that it had been ransacked by the Mexican army. One villager forced to leave his community asks with tears in his eyes why President Zedillo sent the army to destroy their village when there was supposed to be a cease-fire. Recorded by Carlos Marti'nez and edited by Jose' Manuel Pintado, 1995, 26 min. English subtitles. VHS or 3/4 inch for TV. TODOS SOMOS MARCOS (TSM) and PRADO PACAYAL (PP) come together in one tape. FORTHCOMING TESTIMONIO DE JAVIER ELORRIAGA $15 plus postage Moving testimony by Javier Elloriaga, who was arrested in Mexico City in February, 1995, on charges of being a Zapatista "terrorist." As of mid-June, Elloriaga still awaits trial in the Cerro Hueco prison, near Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. This video, recorded in May 1995, provides a personal account of his arrest and subsequent imprisonment on charges which he has continuously denied. His wife, Gloria Benvides, has also been jailed, as has their one year old son. Produced by Jesus Ramirez, 1995, 30 min. Subtitles by Jose' Manuel Pintado=