IV.  How Does One Start Their Own IWW Local?

Very simple:  Join the IWW and call a meeting and just do it,  right?  Well maybe not.  If you know of others in your community or industry interested in abolishing the wage system, you probably already have their phone numbers, mailing address, or contact information; and you probably already keep in touch with each other on in an informal basis.  If so, you can skip this step and move along merrily to the next topic, even though this section offers some suggestions for outreaching to new folks.  But suppose you are all alone?  Well, most likely you aren't alone but have no idea how to contact others.  Rest assured that you are not alone.  There are most certainly individuals in your workplace or community or a neighboring community who feel exactly what you do.  Here are some ideas on how to get together.  It won't work, unless you take initiative of course.

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