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At War with the Truth
The True Story of Searchlight Agent Tim Hepple

This booklet is about a man of many possible faces and many possible allegiances. For the mainstream media and readers of the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight Tim Hepple was simply a member of the fascist British National Party who 'saw the light' and approached Searchlight asking if he could act as a mole for them. As such he seemed to follow in the footsteps of other Searchlight moles, the most famous being Ray Hill who in 1984 in a blaze of publicity and a World in Action documentary 'came out' exposing his former friends in the far right.

In April 1994 in a dramatic World in Action programme Tim Hepple appeared on camera as a source helping expose the violent Nazi group Combat 18. However, at the end of April a pamphlet 'A Lie Too Far', exposed Hepple as an agent provocateur in the Anarchist movement. This pamphlet focused on the list of names and details of C-18 thugs which Hepple encouraged Green Anarchist magazine to publish. The list contained many factual errors and was composed with intention of getting Anarchists arrested and encouraging C18/BNP members to mount-counter attacks. However the list had another purpose. They had been designed to put Green Anarchist under attack on 3 fronts - arrested by the state, attacked by C18/BNP thugs and also by anti-fascists. This would come about because after Green Anarchist had published them Searchlight would 'expose' the lists as being supplied by Nazis. The resulting smears would open the target up to attack from the Left/anti-fascists. It was this third front of desired assault - by their own comrades on the Left - that points most clearly in the direction of list passing as being part of MI5's current battle plan.

Luckily O'hara was able to prevent Green Anarchist from publishing the lists, but unfortunatly, unknown to him, Tim Scargill of the Class War Organisation was also passed a copy of this list (by presumed Searchlight assets still under investigation) and published himself. As O'hara had predicted Scargill was immediately attacked as a being a fascist.

O'hara responded by working on with Green Anarchist and Tim Scargill to produce a pamphlet, A Lie Too Far (ALTF), to try repair some of the damage and to prevent such events happening again. In ALTF Searchlight magazine, it editor Gerry Gabble, Ray Hill and Tim Hepple were accused of implementing a plot to physically and politically subvert the Anarchist movement. Searchlight was plotting against the British left. Why? Some would answer that Searchlight is an arm of the secret state. This pamphlet certainly does. Many years ago Duncan Campbell in the New Statesman unearthed a document which incontrovertibly showed that Gerry Gable had spread disinformation on behalf of MI5. This 'Gable Memorandum' was recently published by Lobster Magazine (issue 24).

ALTF contains extracts from letters which Hepple wrote to Green Anarchist's editor, and this publication uses letters not disclosed in ALTF to prove beyond doubt that Hepple was an agent provocateur. It is up to you to decide whether you should continue to buy searchlight. If you do- remember Searchlight is a thoughly discredited organisation serving the secret states' agenda.

copies available from all good bookshops still standing and for 2 pounds in stamps or blank PO's from

BM BOX 4769, London, WC1N 3XX

or Green Anarchist Mail Order, c/o 151b London Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3JY